Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Harnessing our strength as women

 Harnessing our strength as women

In Africa, women are expected to play their roles behind the scenes. Roles include making sure the house is clean, preparing meals, looking after the little ones, sorting the laundry, etc.

These roles differ little between daughters and wives except for the marital duties that the wife owes to her husband, and the daughter participates in his education, which some wives do. Let us note that in a typical rural setting a child may not have the opportunity to go to school instead she may go to the farm or to some other task given to her by her parents.

To do all this, women are usually the first to wake up and the last to sleep. He works from dawn till dusk hoping to get a few minutes to put his feet up. She goes around running errands, taking care of the kids, and visiting her husband. She does all this while trying to keep her sanity, sometimes forgetting to take care of herself.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Women's fashion at work

 Women's fashion at work

Discussing women's fashion and clothing in the workplace can lead to discussions with HR, especially in some places about outdated ideas and policies. With that said, no matter the gender, there's nothing wrong with wanting to appear sharp and professional. Knowing what to wear and when and how to look good while doing it is a useful technique for anyone on the job to know in any business.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Infertility is one of the leading causes of not getting pregnant.

Infertility is one of the leading causes of not getting pregnant.

 The wife or husband can cause this. But there are many ways to get pregnant naturally or with the help of medical drugs.

When a couple is trying to conceive naturally, knowing the menstrual cycle is one thing to consider. In this method, the wife is responsible for keeping track of her menstrual cycle for at least two consecutive months. Knowing your ovulation day is the key to having a high chance of getting pregnant.

For women: How to stop feeling insecure

For women: How to stop feeling insecure

Do you feel insecure because you live alone or alone? It's time to rectify that feeling. What do you really like? Read on to find out.

I categorized the women into five possible groups and offered solutions to them:

Unmarried (teen to single female)

Of course, you will live with your family of origin during this time. But if you live in a foster home or with adoptive parents, you will be under their care. If any of the following options pose a threat to you, talk to someone you know well for help. You can also seek help from the police department. Be brave and stand up straight on your feet. It's time to claim your power.

Understanding the Essence of Femininity

  Understanding the Essence of Femininity Embracing Feminine Energy and Identity in the Modern World Introduction: What Does Femininity Tr...

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