Friday, June 16, 2023

Know when should you change your BRA

When should bra change

In spite of having many options in the market, some women keep dealing with the wrong size or torn old bra because they are not aware of the disadvantages of wearing a wrong fitting bra. Nor do they know how to choose the right bra. And from where?

Secondly, some women do not know, or are deliberately unaware that every bra has an expiry date. It is made of material and plastic.  It is known to all that if a cloth is not used for a long time, then it gets spoiled, and its color also fades. When should you change your bra? Depends on things-

A- Strap of bra- When you buy a new bra, its strap does not fall down, but as soon as the bra expires, no matter how much you try to set the step of the bra, it starts falling down again and again.

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